I had posted before about the phantom poop so this is just a little more into the unknown. I'm sure everyone has experianced this before the starnge feeling you might have either heard your phone go off or felt in vibrate. But once you check nothing...... Strange I know. But if you ask me I think maybe you aren't going crazy but there was actually a noise or an alert.
With phones the way they are today with so much to do on them I think companies make your phone go off randomly and quieter then usual so people use them more. Think about it, the more you use your phone the better plan you need. I know its a stretch but it could be true. Happens to me all the time, I think I hear my phone so I check. Once disapointed there wasn't a message I begin messen around on the phone.
The phanotm alert, is it in our heads or is it a real alert? Think on it next time you randomly feel a vibrate or hear a sound and there is nothin there for it.
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Road Way Etiquette
Over the past 6 months I have found myself behind the wheel a good portion, about 40 hours a week for some of it. Needless to say I put a shit load of miles on my car as well as having to throw an even bigger shit load of money into the mother-fucker. But with all these miles and aggravating hours under my belt I was able to pick up on some road way etiquette that I wanted to share with all you bloggarians.

1) Go the fucking proper speed on the highway. We all know that for most highways the speed limit is 65, but we are also aware that no one goes that speed on the highway, people tend to keep their cars somewhere between 70-85. So go with the fricken flow of traffic or don't use the highway. Unless there are special circumstances never fall under the appropriate speed, the circumstances could be things such as: bad weather, car problems, too much to drink, warrant for your arrest..... you get the idea. If any of these fall into your category then fine, but stay in the fucking right lane with the grandmas and truckers. (For the picture I couldn't really get one that depicted a car going slow so I just found what the slow kids drive in, hope you understand.)

2) Don't spontaneously brake. This is one of the worst, people that feel the need to constantly tap their brakes while driving. News flash if you take your foot off the gas every once in awhile your car slows down automatically. There is no need to keep jumping back and forth from gas to brake gas to break. Its bad for your car for one thing and the continuous flash of your red brake lights can really cause someone to see red, if you know what I mean. (think about the image in the picture of there wasn't a lot of cars in front of the yellow one and he was still braking.)

3) Bobbers and weavers. I respect the people that can strategically pull off this maneuver without coming off as a complete douche bag, but those who can't do this without causing the people around them to slam on brakes or swerve to avoid collision is ok with me. (It might not look like it but the picture is actually a retarded woman depicting the act of bobbing and weaving.)

4) People on cell phones. Ok ill admit I tend to talk on my cell phone every now and then but I a. Don't stay on long or b. usually use a handless set (and not a gay one). Im talking about those people that chat away on their phone oblivious to all other traffic around them, merging without looking, going 20 miles an hour, swerving all over. Im talking about those fucking bastards.

5) This next category is me stereotyping because we all know that there is always exceptions, but I say be politically correct there and what does that mean you ask? It means majority rules, so if the majority of your category is guilty of this you all have to pay. This all being said if you are old, or a woman, or asian stay off the fucking road, and if you are all of these things never even look at a car because you can't drive worth of shit.
Now these are just a handful of some of the problems on the road. I believe them to be a majority of the problems however, so try to abide by them. And try to make our roads once again safe for people to be on their marry way.
Monday, November 9, 2009
Phantom Poops
This quiet and overlooked problem is most likely plaguing the world and no one has talked about it. Well I'm here to change that, once again, and get it all out on the table.

I'll start this off by telling everyone of you blogginers. A "phantom poop" is the mysterious occurrence when you get that overwhelming feeling of the ever growing urgency of a trip to the mighty throne to unleash the furry. When the feeling is too much to take anymore and you finally sit down to let out the unneeded minerals you all the proper feelings that signifies everything went as planned. But, to your chagrin when you stand to take a gander at your recent triumph there is nothing to smile at, just an empty boil of yellowed water (and hopefully some TP you dirty sallies out there). This my friends is a "phantom poop", no visual trophy for your moments of intestinal battle.
Even though this is a minimal problem, to some of us, it does cause your smile/devious smirk to turn downwards. And I know that your recently sculpted waste artifact is most likely just snaked its way curiously down its inevitable path prematurely, there is still a possibility that it never in fact existed. If the latter is the case then what did you just go through? hmmmmmm there you go, the mental gears are now turning, contemplating the possibility that you sit and give birth to an anal baby without actually doing so.
So keep this in mind next time you sit down and shed a couple pounds. Then once you turn for that visual and find nothing think about what you just went through and if it was all for nothing.
Then think what else do you struggle through to come up without any rewards.
Now thats life.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Go Fuck Yourself
Yea thats right I said it. Go Fuck Yourself.

Now don't get all up in arms I was just playing around, but didn't that get you a little POed (pissed off)? Thats because telling someone to go "fuck themselves" is a harsh comment. Not just for the very obvious reason that you are swearing at them in most likely a very aggressive manner but also using one of the most vulgar of swear words (fuck).
Which on a side note has become more and more excepted in society, is this because over all we as a nation are thinking and acting more in the gutter or because society is becoming more understanding of people's uncontrollable need to use profanity? Just some food for thought.
OK back to what I was talking about the term "Go Fuck Yourself". This my bloggulights is by far one of the worst things you can say to an individual. Not only are you swearing (quit brutally I might add) but you are also demanding them to go and preform some sort of hanus sexual act to themselves. Having this said, this was directed at a female that would actually be pretty sexy, unless this particular female was not in the proper weight to height ratio, which is not exceeding 5 foot 7 and 120 lbs. Then that in except-able, in fact encouraged. But, if this is said to a man, wahooooooo stop the presses because someone should be receiving a punch to a damaging bodily location within the next few seconds.

Because for one telling a man to go fuck themselves doesn't mean your saying, "Hey man you don't you go masturbate" you are telling them, "Hey man why don't you viciously go shove something in your ass repeatedly until it crosses into the threshold of sexual satisfaction" therefore, insinuating that person is in fact gay. And unless you are a gay man you should take much offense to this statement. In which you must now regain your dignity by either A) throwing fisticuffs or B) throwing back a better verbal lashing.
Taking another perspective on the matter you can also look at this statement as telling you that you in fact can not find anyone to "fuck" (or make love to for all those lovers out there) and you must then go and preform this act alone and most likely crying. Yes that is right my "friends" I just took this insult to the next level, the emotional level. You are now being told you are not capable of seducing or enticing the opposite (or same) sex to fornicate with you. Another huge insult to you as a person/all around human being.
So lets take a tally here:
You 1) are being told to shove something in your ass
and 2) being told you can't find anyone to place enough pity on you to privilege you enough to let you stick your member in them.
wow that is to quick slaps to the face to you my degraded brother.
tsk tsk
Don't let this happen to you.
Only you can prevent verbal lashings.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Again, time, it is the only thing we all really have to give and use in our lifetime. As we age and fade into the inevitable oblivion of the unknown we have time to thank for that. Time, the tick tocking of wasted minutes and wasted moments stripped away by the miniscule second hand of the clock spinning in an endless circle with no chance of ever regaining back what has been pasted over. We sit, we stare, we think about things we want to do or wish were different and we just waste this precious thing. Time, as you are reading this and as I am typing this we are all using moments that will never be regained again.
I find myself sitting thinking about how all we have is time and what I want to spend it on in my lifetime. I think about how I want to travel and see the world, see things that really wouldn't make a difference in my life, besides that chance of a random epiphany or long ponder. I think about how I need to waste my time working to gain pieces of paper and metal in hopes that one day I will accumulate enough to be able to do the things I believe will allow me to spend at least some of my time with a smile on my face.
Now here is a challenge for all you cyber jumpers, do something that makes time stop for you. Do something that will burn such a deep remembrance into each of your minds that it becomes timeless. I know, I know, there is no such thing as timeless because we all eventually run out of breath. But then again if you do find something so great or do something so fantastic as to be able to pass it onto family and friends who then can keep this story with them and pass it from ear to mind, then out there mouth to another ear and mind. It then can be categorized as timeless in my book.
Another thing to keep in mind is that your time is the greatest thing you could ever give someone. The things you choose to do and the people you choose to be with is truly something you need to take seriously. Because, as stated before, you will never get those moments back. Therefore, if you are sitting there with someone keep in mind you should live every second to the fullest, so make everything count. Also know giving someone your time is the biggest gift you can give.
I hope my ramblings will make some of you think out there and perhaps cause some changes in some lives. So enough of this and thank you for taking time to read this.
And always remember to choice wisely what you spend your next ticks on, because soon after every tick there is always a tock that will never be used again.
Monday, October 5, 2009
Weekend Fund
After a long sabbatical of not writing I am back to enlighten you on some of my weekend activities. Not saying that any of you blog hoppers out there really in fact care about what I did but maybe, just maybe you will see something that will light a little bulb in your head and will try something other then searching around the internet.

Well first thing is first I drove, I drove from 3:30 until around 9:30. It doesn't matter where I was going to, or where I was coming from for that matter, the fact is i drove for 6 hours from a point A to a point B that felt like I would never arrive at. This is an activity that i do not recommend doing unless your point B is a place of sun, fun, and lots of scantily clad people.
Another great activity was I got my car registered. This is also an event I do not recommend partaking in if you are looking for a hoot and hollering good time. But, on the other hand this is something that is very important to get done and you should not fool around with an unregistered car. Cops don't take kindly to unregistered cars.
Now onto a lighter note, I did happen to catch the movie "Zombieland". Im sure during your hours of flicking through channel after channel or viewing site after site you have stumbled onto an advertisement for the newest zombie adventure. Being as I am a huge zombie fan I had to take this flick in, first hand and full screen, as well as letting it empty my full wallet with the high prices of cinema these days. Either way I was extremely pleased with this movie, it kept me immensely entertained between its sly, situational humor and the great amount of violence. With this all being said if a strange man came up to me and said, "Son what to you recommend I take in using my eyes and ears?" I would have to answer, "Im glad you asked strange man, you have to partake in the movie Zombieland."

The next delicious treat I dabbled in over the weekend was the delectable taste of Pumpkin Head Ale from my local watering hole. This drink by itself really gives you the taste of the new fall season we have just been placed in. It isn't just enough to have such a taste bud pleasing drink in your mouth but the bartenders decided to also place sweet sweet cinnamon sugar around the rim of the glass, so as to make every sip seem like a bite into a freshly baked pumpkin pie. Thank you great maker of this tasty drink, thank you for bringing a warm feeling to my heart with every cool feeling to my lips. The only downfall to this drink was the sticky fingers you come away with.

These events listed above where the highlight of my weekend. Other events I took part in that were on my list of good times were: hanging with my girlfriend, watching the patriots beat the ravens, and eating haddock tacos from CJ's.
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Rock, Paper, Scissors

This game has been around for ages and I just want to talk a little about how great it is. If there is ever a need for a quick decision to be made (i.e. who gets up to get something, who has the last of something, who is the better person) all of this can easily be decided in a matter of seconds with a quick game, obviously best 2 out of 3. For those of you that are a little slow the best 2 out of 3 term means whoever wins 2 boughts of rock paper scissors out of 3 games.
Ok now to the fun psychological portion of the game. If you want to stomp beginners at rock paper scissors remember this, always through rock first. You might be wondering why, well that is because rock beats scissors and seeing as scissors is the last item of the three said while playing most beginners will through that first. That makes for an easy 1 towards your 2.
The real tricky part is you have to wonder, does my opponent know this fun fact and will they through paper (which undoubtably beats rock) foiling your 1 victory and allowing them the upper hand (pun intended).
After winning or losing the first bought the rest is up to luck, more or less. So when it comes time to tango in the art of hand battle choose wisely and choose quickly because there is no hesitating in rock paper scissors, or second guessing.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
I just became witness to this brilliant ad for visiting vegas, and I would like to share it with all you blog hopers out there. Now keep in mind I have been to vegas and I didn't need creative ads to entice me to go there, but I'm glad I now have a new excuse to go spend my money on inappropriate things. Without further ado here is the commercial.
Just brilliant......
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
What To Say, What To Say
I decided to search on a search engine the term "strangest thing" and focused on the images that came up. I used Google to search and I know what your thinking "Why say you searched on a search engine and not just say I googled strangest thing?" Well the answer to that is simple, if you use a company name to signify an activity or an everyday phrase then it could ruin the company and force them to not be able to use that word as their name. This happened to companies such as Kleenex, when people started saying "I need a kleenex" instead of "I need a tissue", as well as the company Hoover, when people started saying "i have to hoover" instead of saying "I need to vacuum". I know this dropping of knowledge i just bestowed onto your brain makes your mind seem a little exploded. But be calm with the help of people stopping by stopping the term "googled" there might be a chance.

Ok enough of that back to my "strange things" search.
The first to come up was this "strange" creature.

At first I was like "Whaaaaaaaaaaaaat?" But i have found out what this creature is. It is Blue Dragon, a pelagic sea slug which floats around the ocean on its back (this is a view of its belly) feeding on blue bottles. Very "strange".
Next we have this.
It appears to be some sort of crocheted dog...... yea id say that is "strange".
Next on the items to view was this little treasure.

This crazy feline seems to:
a) Enjoy water.
b) Enjoys swimming with sharks
and c) Both within a bathtub
All extremely "strange things" for a puss puss to partake in.

I guess when Giraffes run they look like they are in slow motion..... "Strange"? I think so.
The final one I will talk about is by far the "strangest thing".

I actually don't think this is "strange" at all. The only thing out of the ordinary here is there are still number tabs left, this is not an everyday thing. Someone wanting to actually get rid of a rubber fist, I mean slightly used? You can probably haggle this person to well under market value, maybe even under manufacturing price. This is a deal people.
rubber fist,
strange things
Sunday, September 20, 2009
We Are All Just PAWNS
I wanted to put a shout out to my friend RyPro and talk about his new clothing line "Pawns". In this tough economic time he decided to rise up again the market and start his own clothing company. It is a lifestyle company that has some pretty sweet graphics as well as fresh ideas. Its just a matter of time before he hits it big and you see all the peeps walking around sporting his wear. As a matter of fact I am wearing one of his shirts as I type. Cheers to you Pro I am behind you in this business excursion all the way, you have my support and my help whenever needed. I hope whoever stumbles upon my blog will take some extra time and check out his company site here is the link and some of his designs to take a gander at.


The shirt i am wearing "Zombie Pauly"

The other shirt I have.
So if you like what you see (which you should unless your dumb) I say go to the sight and tell all your friends. And most importantly purchase some items.
And heres to your Pro (I know your reading this because your the only follower I have).
Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Open container laws? Block the label with a koozie.
Don't want your hand to get chilly after reaching in to the cooler for a fresh one? Keep the temperature where it should be, off your hands, with a koozie.
Wife/Girlfriend on your case about drinking to much? Cover it with a koozie.
At a BBQ and you run out of your own beverage? Hide the stolen drink with a koozie.
You would be a fool to go anywhere without one. I know I don't travel without my can or bottle koozie (because you never know what could be in store). Believe me its a life saver, gotten me out of a couple of jams in the past.
So next time your out buying shit that you don't really need, get something you should know you need. and thats a koozie.
Haven a few? Cover your brew. With a fucken KOOZIE!
Thank you and drink responsibly
best buy,
cold beverage,
must have items
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Robots Taking Over the World
This summary is not available. Please
click here to view the post.
human women,
robot babies,
sex machines
Monday, September 14, 2009
Grace, Why Not to Have Children
I was recently visiting some friends and we all decided to partake in viewing the movie "Grace". This was just an out of the blue movie that ended with gaping mouths and white faces.
For those of you that aren't familiar with premise here is the preview for your viewing pleasure.
So here is a little recap for you. There is a women that is obsessed with getting pregnant, and once she finally is gets into an auto accident and loses the baby. This however does not stop her from going through with the birth anyway. After the stillborn baby is brought into this world she is able to will it back to life by letting it suckle on her teet. So far this might sound like a sensible plot but it gets even deeper, the baby only likes human blood. Thats right, you read it correctly, human blood. I guess it all makes sense seeing as it shouldn't be in this world anyway why not have it wanting human amber juice.
While sitting through this movie there was a lot of owwwwwww's and yelps while some scenes gave the very graphic sights of both bloodied va-jays as well as ripped breasts. You however do get to see the glorious sight of a normal boob. However, it is connected to a woman in her late 50's.
After spending my 85 mins in aw i realized this movie would be good for one thing. If your girlfriend or wife ever wants to get pregnant or force a child into your lives allow her to sit and see what could happen. I promise you it will be awhile, if ever, before they bring that subject back up. Your welcome my brothers.
Friday, September 11, 2009
Dog Strollers..... Why?
Yes I said it dog strollers.

This is a newer item to me that i just don't get. Dogs, unlike humans can walk almost right off the bat, so why the need to take that privilege away from them. I understand that maybe dogs are pretty curious and tend to rome, which don't get me wrong can get annoying, but it is part of the experience. Having this item on the market is only going to produce one thing..... K9 obesity. Mark my words there will be an insane amount of fatty pups if people start taking away their walking ability. What will this mean in the long run for man's faithful companion you ask? Well lets think about it;

1. No more protecting the family
2. No more teaching them tricks. They will always be sitting so i guess we will teach them how to stand, but then again what would we reward them with? I mean giving them treats would just make them fatter.
3. Doggie diabetes will get out of hand as well has a higher cholesterol.
4. Companion ship would be at an all time low unless you yourself are not active and would just want to sit around.
5. Dog fights would be very boring.
I guess there isn't much more a dog is really good for......
So please help take this off the market.
And while we are at it lets get rid of these dog carriers too.

Doggie strollers,
man's best friend,
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Movies of Future Interest
I find myself going to apple trailers almost everyday in search of potential movies coming out. Like most people that watch movies all the time I consider myself a movie buff. Here are some of the movies coming out that are of interest to me.
This first movie caught my attention for being purely badass. The man portrayed in the movie goes by the original name Michael Gordon Peterson who later changes it to Charles Bronson (no relation to the movie star). Bronson is a crazy mother fucker and was the most feared prisoner at the time. A must see in my eyes.
The next movie that caught my attention was The Fourth Kind. Its crazy background story of fallowing true events makes this one of the chilling movies. Very excited to bring my girlfriend to see it in order to get some scared arm grabs.
I am a fan of Wes Anderson so when this next movie came to my attention i thought it would be entertaining. It goes along with Anderson's darker subtle humor that was seen is his previous movies but mixes in that it is all stop motion animation. I am curious to see how it all comes together.
I am a fan of obscure comedies so when i came across this I wondered if it would tickle my fancy. Only time will tell.
As I said before I am a fan of stupid obscure comedies so of course i will have to check out the writer director of Napoleon Dynamite Jared Hess's new movie.
I think i have given you enough movies to look forward to for now my little birds. But don't worry I will feed you more later on.
and happy 9/9/09 to everyone.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
High Hopes
Hello there. For this next talking session I wanted to bring to peoples attention the underground movie entitled "The Room". This movie came out in 2003 and was written, directed and starred in by a man named Tommy Wiseau. He made this movie without any studio support and spent a whopping $6 million in production fees (couldn't tell from the looks of it however).
The story line follows a love triangle between Johnny (Tommy Wiseau), Lisa (Juliette Danielle) and Mark (Greg Sestero), all of which have yet to really make a name for themselves. But with the help of the room cult following might really become household names...... never going to happen.
The key to this movie's greatness is that it appeared to originally be marketed as a drama/romance but as the filming progressed and the final outcome appeared so terrible it then was placed in the dark comedy category. By the looks of the trailer and miscellaneous clips online it seems to be the proper move. The Room's horrendous acting accompanied with its crazy lines truly brings a tear to your eye and a smile to your face.
I have yet to witness this film first hand, due to its short amount of time within the theaters because of bad reviews, but I am planning on attending one of its many midnight showings in the city of Boston.
The Room might be ranked as one of the worst movies of all time but I am looking forward to ranking as one of the best in my heart.
Here is the links to the full trailer as well as some of the clips previously mentioned. I hope you find this as enlightening as I have.
That should be enough to entice you to see the movie, I don't want to give it all away.
dark comedy,
greg sestero,
juliette danielle,
The Room,
tommy wiseau,
worst movie
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Welcoming Myself
After a long awaited amount of time I have finally decided to take the plunge into blogging. I have been weighing the pros and cons and there were plenty of both but I thought "to hell with it" and chose to allow some of my thoughts/feelings about who the hell knows as of now to go public.
Since i have never really had any rhyme or reason to my thought process i have decided to name the the blog "Spiratics" signifying the reason why my blog probably wont flow or make much sense to where the thoughts are coming from and why they are coming at all.
I tend to ramble and I have a feeling my literary offspring will ramble as well.
Well since i don't have anything in mind on what to start off with I guess i will share this video i came across of an old Hungarian song entitles "Gloomy Sunday". This piece was composed in 1933 by a man named Rezso Seress. The song is about an untimely death of a lover. The reason I found this song interesting was the fact it is accompanied by an urban legend. The legend is that it has inspired hundreds of suicides. As it just so happens the composer himself even committed suicide by jumping out of his apartment in 1968. Since this song is said to cause people to take their own lives it is now given the name "Hungarian Suicide Song".
I'm not really sure how i stumbled upon this but I found it very interesting, here is the a rendition of the song in English to better understand the song. decide for yourself if the legend is true and enjoy...... at your own risk.
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