This is a newer item to me that i just don't get. Dogs, unlike humans can walk almost right off the bat, so why the need to take that privilege away from them. I understand that maybe dogs are pretty curious and tend to rome, which don't get me wrong can get annoying, but it is part of the experience. Having this item on the market is only going to produce one thing..... K9 obesity. Mark my words there will be an insane amount of fatty pups if people start taking away their walking ability. What will this mean in the long run for man's faithful companion you ask? Well lets think about it;

1. No more protecting the family
2. No more teaching them tricks. They will always be sitting so i guess we will teach them how to stand, but then again what would we reward them with? I mean giving them treats would just make them fatter.
3. Doggie diabetes will get out of hand as well has a higher cholesterol.
4. Companion ship would be at an all time low unless you yourself are not active and would just want to sit around.
5. Dog fights would be very boring.
I guess there isn't much more a dog is really good for......
So please help take this off the market.
And while we are at it lets get rid of these dog carriers too.

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