Now don't get all up in arms I was just playing around, but didn't that get you a little POed (pissed off)? Thats because telling someone to go "fuck themselves" is a harsh comment. Not just for the very obvious reason that you are swearing at them in most likely a very aggressive manner but also using one of the most vulgar of swear words (fuck).
Which on a side note has become more and more excepted in society, is this because over all we as a nation are thinking and acting more in the gutter or because society is becoming more understanding of people's uncontrollable need to use profanity? Just some food for thought.
OK back to what I was talking about the term "Go Fuck Yourself". This my bloggulights is by far one of the worst things you can say to an individual. Not only are you swearing (quit brutally I might add) but you are also demanding them to go and preform some sort of hanus sexual act to themselves. Having this said, this was directed at a female that would actually be pretty sexy, unless this particular female was not in the proper weight to height ratio, which is not exceeding 5 foot 7 and 120 lbs. Then that in except-able, in fact encouraged. But, if this is said to a man, wahooooooo stop the presses because someone should be receiving a punch to a damaging bodily location within the next few seconds.

Because for one telling a man to go fuck themselves doesn't mean your saying, "Hey man you don't you go masturbate" you are telling them, "Hey man why don't you viciously go shove something in your ass repeatedly until it crosses into the threshold of sexual satisfaction" therefore, insinuating that person is in fact gay. And unless you are a gay man you should take much offense to this statement. In which you must now regain your dignity by either A) throwing fisticuffs or B) throwing back a better verbal lashing.
Taking another perspective on the matter you can also look at this statement as telling you that you in fact can not find anyone to "fuck" (or make love to for all those lovers out there) and you must then go and preform this act alone and most likely crying. Yes that is right my "friends" I just took this insult to the next level, the emotional level. You are now being told you are not capable of seducing or enticing the opposite (or same) sex to fornicate with you. Another huge insult to you as a person/all around human being.
So lets take a tally here:
You 1) are being told to shove something in your ass
and 2) being told you can't find anyone to place enough pity on you to privilege you enough to let you stick your member in them.
wow that is to quick slaps to the face to you my degraded brother.
tsk tsk
Don't let this happen to you.
Only you can prevent verbal lashings.

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