So.... Karma..... just something I was thinking about on my long drive home from work so I decided to search the term on a search engine (you should stop saying Google as a search term so as not to destroy the company name) and guess what I found. You got it, a Wikipedia page at the top of the list.
Once clicked upon I was able to see what 'the People' of the internet describe it as:
Karma (Sanskrit: कर्म IPA: [ˈkərmə] (
listen);[1] Pali: kamma) in Indian religions is the concept of "action" or "deed", understood as that which causes the entire cycle ofcause and effect (i.e., the cycle called saṃsāra) originating in ancient India and treated in Hindu, Jain, Buddhist and Sikh philosophies.

As you can see it is a term used to describe cause and effect. That is very interesting to me. There is a belief out there that says if you do 'Good' then 'Good' things will happen to you (also works with the polar opposite of Good, which of course is 'Bad') Now this gets me thinking, how are we to determine what is really considered Good and what really is Bad. This in turn makes me reflect on my own life. Not because I believe in some imaginary force (or 'Higher Power') sitting there watching my every move and nodding is acceptance or shaking in disbelief, taking note and planning of ways to counteract my life with equal reaction to my actions and am excited or worried about what the future has in store for me. But I think about it in terms of what I do as compared to others. Which really doesn't get you anywhere because if you are doing what everyone else is doing maybe that means we will all just end up with the same great/shitty life happenings, in my eyes if its great for all then it in turn is just shitty.
You can look back on moments in your life and think, "Oh I helped the old man next door get his mail and newspaper the other day, that must be why I just won $20 on this scratch ticket I just bought." But really? Could those things really be connected in some sort of way that is above us? Outside of our realm? I don't know. No one should say they know. If that belief gets you through the day then more power to you.
I digress, if there really is a thing out there that could be labeled as 'Karma' then I really want to see a majority of people get what is coming to them. Be it good or bad.
For instance, the world of 'Reality TV' that more and more people flock to on a daily basis. If these real life 'People' believe in Karma then they got something coming their way in the future. Take the show 'Toddlers in Tiaras' for example...............
I always need a moment after this show is mentioned. If the 'parents' on that show ever believed in Karma than they wouldn't force their children into those outfits and prance them around an almost baron audience let alone national television. This show makes it so all pedophiles need is a TiVo or DVR and they are set for marathons of underage festivities. I hope for Karma in this case.
I could go on with countless other examples but I'm sure that most people didn't even make it this far into my post without losing interest and moving on to another site. If I am wrong then I thank you. Who knows I may return to this topic just to keep the people thinking.
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