Now this is where the food for thought comes into play, the mascot..... the mascot of the winning team is always jumping around getting in on all the wonderful feelings of victory spilling out. But, is that man (or woman) under that huge sweaty suit really happy for the victory? or is he/she just putting on a show because that is what they are paid to do (if they are even paid)?
Think about it what if your job was to be a mascot for a team you gave two shits about and you have to be peppy and joyous when it comes to anything that involves them? That would be complete hell, what if it was a team you completely hated? If that doesn't drive someone to the bottle you are a stronger person then I. I just can't make myself believe that anyone under a mask of a smile or anything of that nature is truly smiling underneath.
After thinking about this for quiet some time i have decided to place the position of "mascot" under my "jobs that people with no true happiness" list. Just under "clowns" and just above "waiter at high class parties".

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