Again, time, it is the only thing we all really have to give and use in our lifetime. As we age and fade into the inevitable oblivion of the unknown we have time to thank for that. Time, the tick tocking of wasted minutes and wasted moments stripped away by the miniscule second hand of the clock spinning in an endless circle with no chance of ever regaining back what has been pasted over. We sit, we stare, we think about things we want to do or wish were different and we just waste this precious thing. Time, as you are reading this and as I am typing this we are all using moments that will never be regained again.
I find myself sitting thinking about how all we have is time and what I want to spend it on in my lifetime. I think about how I want to travel and see the world, see things that really wouldn't make a difference in my life, besides that chance of a random epiphany or long ponder. I think about how I need to waste my time working to gain pieces of paper and metal in hopes that one day I will accumulate enough to be able to do the things I believe will allow me to spend at least some of my time with a smile on my face.
Now here is a challenge for all you cyber jumpers, do something that makes time stop for you. Do something that will burn such a deep remembrance into each of your minds that it becomes timeless. I know, I know, there is no such thing as timeless because we all eventually run out of breath. But then again if you do find something so great or do something so fantastic as to be able to pass it onto family and friends who then can keep this story with them and pass it from ear to mind, then out there mouth to another ear and mind. It then can be categorized as timeless in my book.
Another thing to keep in mind is that your time is the greatest thing you could ever give someone. The things you choose to do and the people you choose to be with is truly something you need to take seriously. Because, as stated before, you will never get those moments back. Therefore, if you are sitting there with someone keep in mind you should live every second to the fullest, so make everything count. Also know giving someone your time is the biggest gift you can give.
I hope my ramblings will make some of you think out there and perhaps cause some changes in some lives. So enough of this and thank you for taking time to read this.
And always remember to choice wisely what you spend your next ticks on, because soon after every tick there is always a tock that will never be used again.