None the less the beginning of the night started with beer and girls around. I know what you are thinking "Cool" and it was because I had the beer and they were making delicious food to be consumed by a man with munchies later that night. While this was going on I over heard the same term in between my guzzles and that was 'Pinterest'. Now I'm sure you tech savvy internet groupies have heard of this site before, it is a site for the crafty/cooking inhabitants of the web to search 'boards' and 'pin' articles/pictures of nick nacks of 'interesting' things. I don't know if you can tell but this site is definitely geared towards the female population.
Now you have a good idea of what we are working with. During the cooking and the chitter chatter of talks about hidden gems found on this site a very good friend of mine had the idea of a clever treat to make from left over edible goodies and I told her I would post the pictures and information on this blog so she can have some material to 'pin'. Of course I had to have a rant prior to abiding to this promise.
I'm sure this article will be shunned by the inhabitants of this site but regardless it might be an interesting 'pin' to have added to people's virtual flair.
Now for the recipe:
First you must take some crescent roll dough found at any run of the mill grocery store and you apply some kind of spread. In this case peanut butter was used but I would think fluff, nutella or something within that section of the food pyramid would suffice.

Once a perfect layer of goodness is added you can then throw some secret treats into the mix.
This will add a special little spice for your taste buds. For ours we added a Lindt chocolate, I know, we are so naughty.

After this you need to close up the crescent dough and prepare the over. We preheated at 375. I'm sure any temperature will get you the desired outcome but some temps will get you there quicker.

When oven is ready to go you throw these mother f*ckers in and they will come out like this.

hmmmmm hmmmmmm those little buggers look good. Check out the inside of these scrumptious edibles that are guaranteed to bring a smile to your friends faces.

And there you go. done and ready to be consumed. I hope you all enjoyed this random recipe.