if you find yourself bored and have nothing to do, search out a public place where you know flocks of people migrate to. once your there, just watch. this is a very interesting thing to do, some people label this the art of "people watching" some hadn't given it a name but still find themselves doing it (your welcome for giving you a title for your hobby). myself, i do this whenever another person is in eye shot of me. all you have to do is watch, now im not talking about whipping out the binoculars and full out stalk a person im merely saying watch people while they are in eye sight. you will find out very intriguing things about human nature by just watching. the whole world is just one big science experiment, you just have to choose what to take note of or what to disregard.

now the tricky part of people watching is not to be too blatant about it. its the same thing as if you were watching wild life, if they notice you there they might not do whatever it is they naturally would do at that particular moment in time. therefore, you are a factor in the equation of their actions. you don't want that, you want to be back round noise, just fit in, go chameleon and just watch. the things that you will notice will not only entertain you but in fact enlighten you on what life truly is.
we are all statistics in one way or another, it all depends on what category of person we fall under. now, with this in mind you need to be very particular on how you separate your findings on people, you don't want to just lump people in groups without knowing who that person actually is. who knows, maybe something drastic in that person's life just happened and that played into the fact whether or not he/she signs to the song they are listing to or if they just walk by that trash that is blowing by instead of picking it up and placing it in the garbage receptacle conveniently located next to them. all these things come into play when people watching.
now don't get me wrong, just sitting back and letting things happen as they do is fine, but you should never judge people on what you see, always keep an open mind to what their particular circumstance might just be at that certain time. however, feel free to judge people that just seem to make very poor decisions in life like rubbing their genitals in public or yelling at random people and trying to start confrontations every chance they get. these people have a different outlook on life, a flawed perception of being as seen by the majority of the public. you can write these people off as lost causes, because until they realize how small they really are in the grand scheme of things they will never be able to except life outside of their own worthless bubble of an existence. i guess people that rub their genitals in pubic don't really fall into this category, well they might, but not every time.
i don't really know why i just opened my blog up and started typing about this. just speaking from what on my mind i guess.
i hope something in this post makes sense to you as you read in and i hope you will now be able to perceive people a little better. or at least try to.